How to Spark New Product ideas

1. What’s hot and trending today – Go check product markets like and check what’s popular in their marketplace section. You can also check what’s popular in you tube and see if you can create a product out of those popular videos. There are plenty of places in the internet where you can check what’s buzzing. The next hot product could just be lying around in a corner….

2. Ask Around – Go ask your friends or conduct mini surveys in your social networks or groups. You’ll be surprised to see unique and brilliant responses. Your friends are just waiting to help you…

3. Innovate – Check what’s selling today and innovate it. You can also combine 2-3 products into one innovative new product. You can also resurrect old popular products from several years ago and re-introduce it to the market with a new twist. You could improve on the quality of current products and create a name for yourself as innovator of the century…

4. Try to provide answers to what people are asking – Yahoo answers is a great place to check what people are asking. You can check the popularity of the question by the number of answers.

5. Check out what’s trending in the search engines – “Google Trends” and “Yahoo Trends” are great places to check what’s hot today. Those trending searches will give you a great insight as to what people are interested of knowing today.

6. Brainstorm – Your mind is a rich source of ideas. Hundreds of books are written about the power of the mind. It is a vast resource of power waiting to be tapped. A deep brainstorming activity may even lead into some form of prayer where you can ask the creator for some ideas.

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