Cirilo Cena

Author's posts

How to Add another Domain to your Hosting Account

Hosting multiple websites on a single hosting account is always preferred if you wish to have a central control panel for all your websites… In some cases, especially websites with features that require a dedicated hosting account, then multiple domains hosted on a single account is not a good idea… If your hosting account allows …

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Domain Forwarding (How to)

There are 2 main reasons why you want to do a Domain Forwarding: 1. Hide a long affiliate URL or any URL for that matter, 2. Shorten a long free hosted website… Whatever the case, domain forwarding is always cool and useful… The only disadvantage in domain forwarding is that when you click other parts …

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You Tube Time Sucking Time


Never Open YouTube! Yup, that’s on my wall just right beside my computer screen… It’s kind of going against the grain here, for something that’s No.3 worldwide as per ranking today… But I’ve really wasted so much time of my life on YouTube already… Yes you tube has become the source of almost all …

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How to create a webform

how to create a webform

If you are trying to build your followers online, you need to collect your website visitors’ email addresses so you can conveniently send them occasional info rich emails or newsletter(s). For most website owners, newsletter is also a way to send product suggestions to their subscribers or website visitors / followers. To collect email addresses …

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Say Goodbye to your Multiply website

You might have received a communication from advising you to migrate your multiply social network account data to blogger. Here is an excerpt of the communication: Recently, our CEO Stefan Magdalinski announced that as part of this shift in strategic focus to online shopping & selling, we will no longer support the social networking …

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Les Brown: Live Full and Die Empty (Quotes & Video)

(Full Video Below) Les Brown is a renowned professional speaker, author, and former radio and television personality. He has risen to international prominence by delivering a high-energy message, which tells people how to shake-off mediocrity and live up to their own potential. It is a message that he has learned from his own life. He …

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